What we do

In the content era, we create content for companies in Barcelona

And no, we haven’t gone crazy with this idea, honestly.

Creative content creation Barcelona
(Pictures + Video + Text) - Drama

Quality content yields quality results.

But… What is content and why do you need it?

Content is everything you put in front of your potential customers, plain and simple.

From something you read, to the images you see, even to how buttons look…

We specialize in photography, video, and text.

The three pillars of content.

Fotógrafo de contenido en Barcelona
creador de contenido en Barcelona
Creador de contenido en Barcelona
Capturing Love: Barcelona Wedding Photoshoot
Luxury wedding photography Barcelona
Luxury wedding photography Barcelona

But first, let me tell you something.

There’s a difference between viral content and quality content!

We’ve been working on personal projects for a long time.

You can check them out right here if you’re interested.

And beware!

These are projects created and managed by us. Not clients.

We also have our section for clients if you’re interested!

Why are we telling you this?

Because it’s important for you to see that what we do is also applied in our own projects, and we’re not just trying to sell something.

There are a lot of people offering services without experience!

The knowledge we have comes from all this real experience, grappling with our own ideas!

We’ve been working in the wedding industry for a long time, for example.

We’ve created content for our own project, and we can tell you that we’ve had viral content with millions of views.

We’ve also created quality content, and often they weren’t both at the same time.

You know what ended up happening?

We removed the viral content.

It’s not that we don’t like reaching millions of people, but come on…

If you’re a restaurant and a potential customer visits your Instagram, what do you want them to see?

A quality video or a video of kittens…

These days, an influencer can get millions of likes for a photo of almost anything.

Statistics are important, but we’re increasingly seeing that what really matters is the influence and the image you create for those who see you.

That’s the first question we want to ask you. If you can only choose one…

Quality or virality?

Mind you! It can be both, but if you only want a large quantity of viral content, we’re not the right fit for you. 

We’re sorry.

How we do

Somos fotógrafos y videografos. Ese es nuestro punto fuerte y en eso nos centramos.

Queremos que tu web y redes sociales tengan un contenido de la máxima calidad.

To offer the best service we need to know your needs, your values, how you want to communicate with your audience...

The first step is to have an interview, we have forms to focus your strategy in the best way possible.

We like to do all this in person, we work in Barcelona and surrounding areas and although we are dedicated to presence on social networks we believe in face-to-face above all.

We go with you and talk, that's how people get to know each other.

You know us, see our proposal and opinions and then decide if we suit you, with no commitment.

Once we have a clear strategic direction, we start with content creation.
Creative Design
Once we have the idea, we start organizing what content we need and how we are going to do it. Always in tune with the clients so as not to lose the common goal.

At this point, options and concepts are offered to the clients to see which one we lean towards and what adjustments we make.
Our favorite phase. Produce all the content.
Once all the material has been created; photos, videos, and texts, it must be allowed to mature and carefully assembled so that it all makes sense.
Everything is ready now what? We plan how to publish it so that everything goes smoothly and optimized.
Results Analysis and Maintenance
While we prepare new content it is very important to analyze how the previous ones are performing to readjust, if necessary, the strategy.

We love to analyze metrics and evaluate the strategy constantly. We like to make decisions based on numbers.

We work with subscriptions, meaning we don’t like to work on a one-off basis.

Our focus is on the long term!

Results take time to show, and not giving that time won’t benefit either of us.

It’s bad because you won’t see any changes, and it’s bad for us too. 

We’d rather turn down a client than do things poorly and generate negative reviews about our service.

We prefer to take on projects that we empathize with and believe in.

There’s a high demand for these kinds of services, which gives us the opportunity to choose who we work with.

We deeply respect the philosophy of the companies we work with, their values, ideas, and perspectives.

That’s why we prefer not to work with someone if their goals are very different from ours, because we believe our creativity is geared towards a specific style.

We want there to be trust in us, and for that to exist, it’s important that both parties are on the same path!

Our services

What we do is essentially content creation for social media and websites in Barcelona.

As we’ve already seen, content is a broad term…

Photography Services for Businesses in Barcelona

Photography is our starting point. It’s where we come from—we began with a project focusing on wedding and couples photography.

And we absolutely love it!

Visual storytelling is our foundation. We’ve gradually learned about strategy and copy almost out of necessity due to our projects. While many agencies prioritize marketing as their cornerstone, for us, content is king. 

We aim for every piece the world sees to be of high quality.

Video Production Services for Businesses in Barcelona

We can also create all the photographs for your website. It’s crucial that the website conveys a sense of professionalism, from the portraits on the about page to photos of what you do, videos…

Copywriting for Businesses in Barcelona

Nos gusta escribir. Nos gusta poner título a nuestras fotos. Nos gusta poner en palabras vuestra filosofía.

Who we are

We’re a couple from Barcelona, Fran and Iuli.

With backgrounds in management engineering and photography, we’re passionate about marketing and creating quality content.

If you want to know more about us, we introduce ourselves in our about section.


These are some of the institutions where Iuli and I have received training, in addition to a lot of work on personal projects.